Form Letter for a Spammer: Dear, Thank you for your concern about the size of my penis. But I like it just fine, thank you, and over the years I have discovered my own ways of enlarging it. Thank you also for your kind offer to find out anything about anybody for me. But when I need to find out about people, I usually ask them. Maybe we can have a cup of coffee or a beer. If I can't find them, then perhaps that's because they'd rather be left alone. You want me to know more about golf balls. While I applaud your enthusiasm, I have always found golf to be a tedious sport played by obnoxious people in bad clothes. The less I know about golf, the happier I will be. I live in a country where even the police don't carry guns, so I have no wish to bullet proof my tyres in the immediate future. I will keep your mail on file in case London is invaded by an army of one foot high snipers. The economy of Nigeria may well offer some extremely lucrative opportunities, but as it has remained firmly at the head of the UN Corruption List for over a decade, I doubt if many of these opportunities are legitimate. I invest in an emerging market fund, and will let the managers of that decide where my money is best spent. This seems more sensible than meeting you at Lagos airport with a suitcase full of cash, especially as I do not own (and do not intend to buy) a car with bulletproof tyres. I am not going to consider any clinical procedure offered by people who cannot spell "surgical." I have undergone many years of expensive analysis to come to terms with my identity. I do not need a new one. A free holiday and free trainers sound very nice. But I have a question: How will Disney or Nike know that an e-mail has been sent a million times? Do they read all e-mails on the planet? Talk me through the mechanics of this. On second thoughts, please don't. If women could be seduced instantly with a spray, then a lot of very expensive restaurants would have gone out of business by now. As I don't see that happening, I can only assume that life in general and seduction in particular remain more complex than you would have me believe. Which brings us to teens. One's teenage years are at the best of times difficult, often marked by emotional confusion and low self-esteem. Trixie, I cannot see how you are helping your "teen friends" by describing them as "Cum hungry sluts." As you are obviously something of a ringleader, I think that you should consider setting a better example. Thanks to the prevalence of porn sites on the internet, nurses and nuns are finding it difficult to find out anything useful about their professions on search engines. The same goes for unfortunate nymphomaniac cheerleaders. While I am gratified that you continually select me as an individual to be kept informed of such exciting developments in golf, capitalism and human sexuality, in future, please, don't call me. I'll call you. Yours, Brian@NOSPAM.COM Found on the web at: (GP May 2002)