use strict;
use warnings;

# mboxw configuration.

# Config items stored here -- Be careful when you make changes! This is
# a script! Check syntax with "perl -c" after you make a change!

# Location of sound playing engine
our $soundplayer = "/usr/bin/mpg123";

# Location of gcalcli - set to empty if we don't want Gcal calendar info
our $gcalcli = "/usr/bin/gcalcli";

# Sound file for new mail
our $new_mail   = "$ENV{HOME}/sounds/moonbell.mp3";

# Sound file for pending appointment
our $meeting    = "/home/foo/sounds/boat_bell.mp3";

# Specify the dimensions of the mail alert window (width x hieght)
our $mail_dimension = "700x200";

# X and Y positions for "new mail" window
our $mail_x_pos = 600;
our $mail_y_pos = 400;

# X and Y positions for appointment window
our $cal_x_pos  = 600;
our $cal_y_pos  = 400;

# File where mail arrives
our $inbox = "/bar/mail/foo";

# WARNING: If you use multiple workstations, make sure this interval is
# the same on each workstation!
# Time (min) to wait between checking mail
our $m_wait = 1;

# Interval (min) between calendar refreshes (with gcalcli)
our $c_wait = 30;

# Time (min) to wait before nagging about not responding (set to zero for no nagging)
our $nag_tm = 15;

# Time (sec) to wait for child process
# NOTE: Should be less than $m_wait
our $f_wait = 35;

# logfile - If this is not defined, there will be no logging! If there
# is no logging and you are starting without a terminal, log messages will
# be lost!
our $logfile = "$ENV{HOME}/.mboxw/mboxw.log";

# Gag the log messages ... 0 = very verbose, 3 = terse
our $log_gag = 0;

# if log grows beyond this size, roll it (0 or undef for no roll)
our $log_roll_size = 262144;

# number of days to keep rolled log uncompressed
our $log_roll_compress = 30;

# number of days to keep rolled logs
our $log_roll_retain = 90;

# Time (min) to wait if "snooze" chosen on appointment reminder
our $snooze_interval = 5;

# Time (min) before an appointment for reminders
our $reminder = 15;

# File where we store intermediate data
our $cachefile = "/bar/foo/mboxw.cache";

# Location of lock file -- HIGHLY recommended
# (put it on same file system as inbox)
our $lockfile = "/bar/foo/mboxw.lock";

# flag to indicate that acknowledged status is kept when inbox resequenced
our $renum_flag = 1;

# Gcal calendars to check with gcalcli
our %calendar = (
        FWN => "Fred Nurk",
        BTN => "Betty Nurk",

# Do not delete this line (keep perl happy)