Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 2008 Feb 16
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adjt - Adjust timestamps in the EXIF tags of JPEG files.  


adjt [-mto] [-a adjust_amount] [-d direction] [-l lwr_bound] [-u upr_bound] [file1] ... [fileN]

adjt -i [file1] ... [fileN]

adjt -C date1 date2



adjt is a perl script which uses the Image::ExifTool module to process JPEG image files. It will add or subtract an offset to the Creation Date and the Date Digitised in a JPEG file. It can use the modification time rather than an offset. It can also use a constant to over-write all dates. With the -C option it can calculate the difference between two dates. All dates are specified in the POSIX format "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S" The program updates the DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate EXIF meta tags in the JPEG file. These are sometimes referred to as the Original Date and The Digitized Date. Whenever a file is changed by adjt the ModifyDate and file modification date will set to the current time.



The following formats are used for variables passed as options on the command line and set in interactive mode.

These are specified as strings in the format yyyy:mm:dd hh:mi:ss or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss or as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss It is also allowable to substitute an underscore for the space. So yyyy/mm/dd_hh:mi:ss would be a valid format. This allows the values to be passed on the command line without being enclosed in quotes.

These are the amounts that are used to adjust the clock. They can be specified with one of the five following formats:

s secs
Seconds where s is a number larger than zero.

Hours, minutes and seconds. Any of these can be zero. However at least one must be non-zero. Minutes and seconds cannot exceed 59.

d hh:mm:ss
Days, hours, minutes and seconds. This is passed to the EXIF shift method as is.

d days
Days. This will be passed to the EXIF shift method as d 00:00:00

y years
Years. This will be passed to the EXIF shift method as y:00:00 00:00:00



-a adjust_amt
--adjt-amt adjust_amt
Specify the adjustment amount. The adjust_amt is a string as specified above in the formats for ADJUSTMENTS (above). Since these formats include a space, they should be enclosed in quotes. It is possible to substitute an underscore for the space. In which case these options can be specified on the command line without quotes. An alternative way to specify the adjustment amount is with the environment variable ADJT_ADJUSTMENT. The value specified on the command line takes precedence over the ADJT_ADJUSTMENT variable.

-d direction
--adjt-direction direction
Specify the adjustment direction. Where direction must be either "-1" or "+1" The -d option is mandatory if the -a option is used. An alternative way to specify the direction is with the ADJT_DIRECTION environment variable. Note: The -d option will over-ride the ADJT_DIRECTION variable.

Print the help screen.

Print The Filename and date information for the files that match the filespec. This will show date information for these tags: DateTimeOriginal CreateDate ModifyDate and the pseudo-tag: FileModifyDate Other options will be ignored if -i is used. The only option which can be used with this option is the -v or --verbose option, in which case column headings will also be printed.


Enter interactive mode. The argument list will be processed one at a time. Before each file is processed date information is displayed as for the -i option (above). See below for a list of the interactive commands.

-l lfile
--lwr-bound lfile
Where lfile is a file name in the list of files that will be the lower bound for operations on file names that are (alphabetically) less than this name will be removed from the argument list.

-l ufile
--upr-bound ufile
Where ufile is a file name in the list of files that will be the upper bound for operations on file names that are (alphabetically) greater than this name will be removed from the argument list.

Use the file modification date for the Original Date. Note: After the modification date has been written to the Original date and Digitized Date, the file modification date, and the internal modification date will be updated unless the -p option is specified.

-c timestamp
--digitised-date timestamp
Use the specified timestamp to over-write the CreateDate EXIF tag. Unless the -O option is used to specify the value for the DateTimeOriginal then the DateTimeOriginal tag will also be over-written with this value. Timestamp format is "yyyy:mm:dd HH:MM:SS". If the environment variables ADJT_ADJUSTMENT and ADJT_DIRECTION have been set, the script will fail with the message:

  -c cannot be specified with -a or -d

In order to prevent this, clear the two environment variables with the commands:

  export ADJT_DIRECTION=""

If this option is specified, adjt will expect only arguments, which can be specified as -C yyyy:mm:dd_HH:MM:SS or -C yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The difference between the two values will be calculated, and the result will be printed to stdout in the form of an export statement for a bash or korn shell.

--test Test, do not write changes to disk. Just print to STDOUT.

Verbose mode. If used with the -i option, print a heading line for the information. If used when adjusting the original date, an information line for each file is printed to STDOUT. This would be suitable for a log.

backup_folder Move the original file to backup_folder. If the environment variable ADJT_BACKUP is set it will be used. The -b option will over-ride the ADJT_BACKUP environment variable

--done target_folder
-T target_folder
Do not over-write original, copy to target_folder. If the environment variable ADJT_TARGET is set it will be used. The -T option will over-ride the ADJT_TARGET environment variable.

Overwrite target if it is exists (implies -T).

Preserve modification time in EXIF tag FileModifyDate and the (Unix) system file access and file modification times.

--rename rename_skeleton
-r rename_skeleton
The rename_skeleton must end in at least two digits. Files in the argument list will be renamed to the skeleton sequentially. For example, a rename_skeleton of xac0200 will create the file from xac0200 to xac9999. There must be enough numbers in the sequence to rename all of the files in the argument list.



There are two stages for interactive mode, setup and batch. When invoked with the -I switch, adjt starts in the interactive setup mode. The script will not start at all unless some image files are specified on the command line.

Interactive setup mode.

In interactive setup mode parameters can be set for the batch. he following is a list of the commands that can be invoked in interactive setup mode:

calc date1 date2
Where date1 and date2 are both date strings (see above for format). Both the dates must be valid. The difference is calculated as an adjustment amount string and the parameters adjt-amt and adjt-direction are set according to the results of the calculation.

Commit changes to the argument list. If the lwr-bound has been specified, files alphabetically less than lfile will be removed from the list. If the upr-bound has been specified, files alphabetically greater than ufile will be removed from the list. If the reverse option has been set the list will be reversed.

Cease processing and exit immediately.

Enter stage two (interactive batch mode). If the there has been no previous commit command there will be an auto-commit before commencing to process the roll. Stage two will adjust only the DateTimeOriginal EXIF tag.

Exit from interactive mode and adjust the DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate EXIF tags, using the current parameters, as if invoked from the command line. If the there has been no previous commit command there will be an auto-commit before commencing the run.

set parm value
Set the value of a parameter. The following is a list of parameters and values:

adjt-amt amt_str
Where amt_str is a string specifying a clock adjustment in seconds. See the list above for the formats. If the adjt-direction parameter has not been set, it will be set to +1.

adjt-direction direction
Where direction must be +1 or -1

backup bak_folder
Specify the backup folder as for the -b option above. Files will be backed up to the specified folder. The folder must exist.

digitised-date CreateDate
Set the digitised date as described for the -c option above. The date must be valid.

done target_folder
Set the target_folder as for the -T option above. Files will written to the specified folder. The folder must exist.

lwr-bound lfile
Set the lower bound as for the -l option above. Files alphabetically less than this value will be removed from the argument list when it is committed.

mod-time ON|OFF
Set the mod-time switch as for the -m option above.

overwrite ON|OFF
Set the overwrite switch as for the -O option above.

preserve ON|OFF
Set the preserve switch as for the -p option above.

rename rename_skeleton
Set the rename_skeleton as for the -r option above.

reverse ON|OFF
Set the reverse switch as for the -R option above.

Exit interactive setup mode and enter interactive batch mode.

test ON|OFF
Set the test switch as for the -t option above.

Set the upper bound as for the -u option above. Files alphabetically greater than this value will be removed from the argument list when it is committed.

verbose ON|OFF
Set verbosity as for the -v option above. This only affects the behaviour of the run command. The roll command is not modified by the --verbose option.

show parm
Show the value of a parameter. This can be one of the parameters in the above list (for the set command). In addition it is possible to enter a show filelist command, which will show all the files on the argument list.

Interactive batch mode.

In Interactive batch mode. A line is brought up for each file. The following commands are available.

r N
roll N
The next N files are processed as if Enter had been pressed. This can be abbreviated. For example the command r4 would process the current file and the next three with the current timestamp adjusted by adjt-amt for each iteration.



Cannot handle timestamps outside of the Unix epoch. A later version will address this issue.



adjt -i *.jpg

List all the files with a .jpg extension, along with the DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate, ModifyDate and FileModifyDate Exif Tags

adjt -C 2005:07:19 21:40:06 2007:09:24 19:32:06

Calculate the difference between the two dates and print it as a value that can be used by the adjt script for following operations.

In the above example adjt would print the following lines to the screen:

  export ADJT_ADJUSTMENT="796 21:52:00"
  export ADJT_DIRECTION="+1"

If the above commands are cut and pasted and then directed to a ksh or bash shell the environment variables ADJT_ADJUSTMENT and ADJT_DIRECTION would be correctly set for an adjustment command.

In the previous case, the following command:

adjt -t -l IMGP1142.jpg -u IMGP1197.jpg *.jpg

Would show what it would do to the timestamps in the range IMGP1142.jpg to IMGP1197.jpg. The following command:

adjt -l IMGP1142.jpg -u IMGP1197.jpg -T processed -b done *.jpg

Would process each file with a .jpg extension in the current folder and move it to the processed folder. A backup copy would be put in the done/ folder.






renrot(1), perldoc Image::ExifTool



Gerry Patterson (http:/  


Feb 2008 - Created after a small script, grew somewhat.




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