PGTS Journal Edition 0008
November, 2002
Spam Turkey Bastards - Everyone hates them
Why Do We Love To Hate Them?
This month our feature article
re-examines the topic of spam. There have already been two articles on
spam, published in this Journal. In the previous articles it was noted
that there seems to be a considerable amount of antipathy directed at
spammers. In fact the degree of hostility seems to be out of all
proportion to the offence. This article suggest a possible reason for this
Spamming in its' own right is basically impolite behaviour. Here are some
suggested rules of netiquette
for the
Perl Scripts
Also if you are looking for sample perl scripts, you might want to check
the source code for the script which
generates page rankings for this site. If you have a GUI browser you should
see the the page rankings link in the right hand column.
There are also some perl scripts for Windows NT/2000 which create a clone of an
Oracle database.