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PGTS Humble Blog

Thread: Global Warming/Bio-Security

Author Image Dan Byrnes. Poet, historian, raconteur
Edited and endorsed by PGTS, Home of the world's most humble blogger

October 2021 Climate Update

Chronogical Blog Entries:

Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 14:19:52 +1100

Submitted by Dan Byrnes ...

2021-10-16 Snowy gas plant to bridge coal gap. W/E Australian Business Review Section. Teaser to p. 27 says, Going green: Miners change their tune on climate. Columnist Ticky Fullerton says, Financing will find its way to coal. W/E Australian

2021-10-16 Graham Lloyd, an "environment editor" for Rupert Murdoch in Australia, writes pessimistically (more so if one takes the 1950s/1960s as the norm here), and in the wake of RM's new-found finance pages wokeness to climate change issues, that really, energy markets are in chaos and the divisions between the developed and the developing world have never been more stark. Etc. Meantime, "foreign editor" Greg Sheridan thinks that "net zero" is more a rallying cry than reality, Chris Kenny fears that Climate policy is tearing us apart. Peter van Onselen is concerned that "Our political record on climate is appalling". W/E Australian, Inquirer section

All in all, we can conclude that the staff have not yet reached the place where the boss is right now! Australian, Inquirer

2021-10-17 NB: As Barnaby Joyce [on behalf of the party room], tells the media, the NP will NOT be held hostage [by a Federal Liberal Govt, its coalition partner?] to what other people may wish! Andrew Green reports for the ABC that most Nationals are for a policy of net zero. But the room decides, that there is .... NO agreement [at 10 p.m. and later after 4 hours of talks, 4!] . ABC News TV evening:

The NP evidently, needs "more time". And because this webpage thinks it is pro a belief in anthropogenic climate change, this webpage thinks that with this single non-decision, the NP of Australia has just, and so voluntarily, consigned itself to the dustbin of history. Just look at the alleged grown-ups of the Federal Australian NP, deserted by Rupert Murdoch as they are, pretending that they CANNOT join the global dots here!

2021-10-17 NP split on climate policy. Channel 10 afternoon TV news.

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