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Thread: Tips/Tricks For Programming etc

Author Image Gerry Patterson. The world's most humble blogger
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Editing MP4 Tags.

Chronogical Blog Entries:

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:30:00 +1000

There's been many changes to audio and video tools in Linux. Recently I found myself searching for something that would enable modifying MP4 tags from the command line.

The package mp4-utils is now called mp4v2-utils. You can download it with:

    sudo apt-get install mp4v2-utils

There doesn't appear to be any man page for the package, but it should be easy to figure out the various functions. The list of commands is as follows:


For some of these you can get help by using the option -h or --help ... Or just the command with no arguments.

You can view tag info with a command like the following

    mp4info foo*mp4

Which would process all the files with that skeleton and put the details to STDOUT.

If you enter this command:

    mp4tags --help

You will be given a list of the tags that can be modified (printed to STDERR):

    usage mp4tags OPTION... FILE...
    Adds or modifies iTunes-compatible tags on MP4 files.

          -help            Display this help text and exit
          -version         Display version information and exit
      -A, -album       STR  Set the album title
      -a, -artist      STR  Set the artist information
      -b, -tempo       NUM  Set the tempo (beats per minute)
      -c, -comment     STR  Set a general comment
      -C, -copyright   STR  Set the copyright information
      -d, -disk        NUM  Set the disk number
      -D, -disks       NUM  Set the number of disks
      -e, -encodedby   STR  Set the name of the person or company who encoded the file
      -E, -tool        STR  Set the software used for encoding
      -g, -genre       STR  Set the genre name
      -G, -grouping    STR  Set the grouping name
      -H, -hdvideo     NUM  Set the HD flag (1\0)
      -i, -type        STR  Set the Media Type(tvshow, movie, music, ...)
      -I, -contentid   NUM  Set the content ID
      -j, -genreid     NUM  Set the genre ID
      -l, -longdesc    STR  Set the long description
      -L, -lyrics      NUM  Set the lyrics
      -m, -description STR  Set the short description
      -M, -episode     NUM  Set the episode number
      -n, -season      NUM  Set the season number
      -N, -network     STR  Set the TV network
      -o, -episodeid   STR  Set the TV episode ID
      -O, -category    STR  Set the category
      -p, -playlistid  NUM  Set the playlist ID
      -P, -picture     PTH  Set the picture as a .png
      -B, -podcast     NUM  Set the podcast flag.
      -R, -albumartist STR  Set the album artist
      -s, -song        STR  Set the song title
      -S  -show        STR  Set the TV show
      -t, -track       NUM  Set the track number
      -T, -tracks      NUM  Set the number of tracks
      -x, -xid         STR  Set the globally-unique xid (vendor:scheme:id)
      -X, -rating      STR  Set the Rating(none, clean, explicit)
      -w, -writer      STR  Set the composer information
      -y, -year        NUM  Set the release date
      -z, -artistid    NUM  Set the artist ID
      -Z, -composerid  NUM  Set the composer ID
      -r, -remove      STR  Remove tags by code (e.g. "-r cs"
                            removes the comment and song tags)

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