Previous items posted about spam include the following:
Date | Item | |
January, 2015 | Spam Statistics Summary 2014 | |
January, 2014 | Spam Statistics Summary 2013 | |
January, 2013 | Spam Statistics Summary 2012 | |
August, 2012 | Another Spam La Nina Year | |
June, 2012 | Spam Statistics June 2012 | |
March, 2012 | Media Temple - Back On The Radar | |
February, 2012 | Good Christian Men Rejoice! | |
May, 2011 | Peak Spam | |
Spam volumes are in decline. Spam is now more carefully targeted than it was in the heady days of the 2013 Spam Peak. Phishing emails are finely crafted to bypass Bayesian filters and make clever use of social engineering to fool users. Malevolent payloads are still mostly aimed at Microsoft products, but there are also many phishing emails constructed to "trick" users into "clicking" links in emails. There are small number of very sophisticated phishing emails which are Operating system agnostic.
For domains in the PGTS group, Viet Nam has pipped USA as the world leader contributing 14.2% of total SPAM. USA has slipped to number 2 at 12.4% and China has put in their usual strong performance for the bronze medal just behind the USA at 11.82%. These top three accounted for 38.4% of total SPAM.
Consolidated Spam PGTS Mailhub, Jan 2016.
Assassinated Spam PGTS Mailhub, Jan 2016.
Spam By Country/Region PGTS Mailhub, for 2015 (As Of Jan 2016).